Title : Adsense violations
URL : Adsense violations
Adsense violations
Adsense violations
Having a high income from Adsense is the desire of everyone who has an adsense account. Even the owners of adsense accounts will try hard to increase their income. Not infrequently they do the actions included into the violation adsense hers.What actions include violations in the Adsense Account?
Adsense violations |
Doing Spam Action
One of the activities that is banned by adsense is spam, spam can be classified into several parts, one of which is the action of excessive spam. The main thing is to share to social media too often.This kind of spam activity is not favored by Google Adsense. Keep in mind Adsense parties are very fond of visitors coming from search engines. And if you do excessive spam action, then your adsense age will not last long.
Click Adsense Ads
One of the earnings from Adsense comes from Click Ads, the more your ads are clicked by visitors then your adsense money earnings increase. Adsense itself has a policy that your ads should not be on the click by the owner of adsense ads. Adsense logarithm is very sophisticated to detect cheating you do, if you are doing a deliberate click on your own adsense ads. Be assured if you do that then your Adsense Account will be banned by Adsense.Modify Adsense Ads
The next thing that includes adsense violation is to modify your adsense ads. Adsense does allow you to modify your ads, but keep in mind is you should never try to modify adsense ads so that it looks like a related post on your blog.Combine Adsense ads with other Ads
Adsense prohibits its publisher to establish cooperation with other parties similar to Adsense Ads. If you do this then your adsense account will be banned. In this case adsense does not want to be the second choice for the main ad publisher on your blog.Blog Download
Blogs with niche Download is a lot of visitors, but if you have decided to work with Adsense you must remove or replace your download niche.Nah itulah artikel saya tentang Adsense violations
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Sobat sedang membaca artikel Adsense violations dengan alamat URL https://barakamoon.blogspot.com/2017/08/adsense-violations.html
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